Monday, September 13, 2010

FIghting with Friends

A short reprieve from female relationships.

So I have been writhing with pent up emotions and letting them erupt violently through outlets that most people would disapprove.  By this, I'm referring to this past Saturday night.  My friend Arin and I were sitting in Shady Oaks, along with more than ten other friends including 418 (our antithesis).  Anyways, as we were sitting there, watching college football, Arin suggested, "You know what you need, Vinny?  You need to get in a fight!"  I agreed and 16 seconds later, we were out in the side yard with our shirts off.  I threw the first punch and it was on!

We had a few good body blows but then Arin threw a punch to my mouth and my bottom, right canine went 80% through my bottom lip.  I fell down in the dirt and he helped me up laughing.  I was laughing.  I spit blood and told him that I needed that.  It was one of the best experiences of my life despite my profuse bleeding and swelling.

Fighting with friends seems intrinsically like a bad thing but I'm not sure it is.  I don't want to find myself being punched in the face by someone who actually wishes me harm.  Friends are people who you can fight with and know they still want to protect you.  I'm speaking about more than punching now.

Every Sunday night at 10PM, Shady Oaks has roommate hangout but more than just roommates partake.  Ex-roommates and honorary roommates are a regular fixture on Sunday nights.  Arin, Alex, and I began a discussion about proper Christian behavior and things got heated.  This felt more like a brewing fight than Saturday night punch-fest.  However, even though we were challenging each other, we still cared about each other.  By defending our beliefs, we are strengthened in them.  If we cannot even form our defense to those who wish us no harm, how will we fare against the Enemy?  I do not wish to be dramatic, but there are times when we are each challenged to defend what we believe as Christians, and if we haven't practiced with friends then we will sputter when facing anyone else.

So I encourage us as Christians to spar with each other.  Not bicker.  Not backbite.  But friendly discussion isn't something we should avoid to prevent awkwardness.  We should seek to better understand our friends and ourselves through "fighting" with friends.

I'm sorry that this entry was not part of my series on embarrassing failed relationships but I think this will keep my blog interesting.


  1. I think I still might be anti-face punching (mainly due to my fear of broken teeth), but I liked you insight. Friends are good for sharpening each other, when done in love.

  2. let the iron sharpen the iron. Just a flesh wound.
