Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Wow...I'd say I had hit a lull in my blogging.  I guess I got in the mindset of it becoming another item on my task list so, of course, I started putting it off.  But I think I am ready to write again.

This last month and a half has been a stressful one.  I've been so consistently worried about tests, homeworks, and lab shortfalls that I've been dwelling less on girls.  I suppose that's good because I earlier aspirations with my latest pursuit are dying away feebly.  I no longer expect things to upswing so disappointment loses its sting when you know it's coming.  Approaching this realization draws me to reflect and continue with my Chronicles.

In 10th grade I turned 16, got my license, and usurped my sister's truck.  I had so many options now available to me, one exciting one being the ability to go on real dates.  I still liked Rose but was never going to anything about it.  I was very distracted with school and marching band so was content in my  bachelorhood.

Spring semester, however, things changed.  In Mr. Caren's Algebra 2 class, I would always do my best to sit next to Rose and be pissed of when some fiery ginger was in my seat.  Normally, however, I prevailed.  In February, I was mentioned how no girl would want to be my girlfriend with the false humility that begs for rebuttal.  Mr. Caren didn't simply offer up an "Oh, that's not true."  He followed up with a question to the class at large, "Who would be Vinny's Valentine date?!"

My mortification rose to excitement when the only girl who said " Yea-sure-why-not?" was Rose.  Mr. Caren gave me the opportunity I wasn't brave enough to secure myself.  I had only a few days to prepare.

Having just learned to knit beanies two months prior, I stayed up all night before V-Day knitting us coordinated beanies.  I folded her beanie into the likeness of a heart and set it at her seat in 1st period chemistry while I wore mine.  This marks the first lame, corny act in a sea of many to come in my life with girls; I wish shit like that actually worked.

I picked her up that evening.  We ate at Chili's.  I dropped her off because I had diarrhea.  I took Imodium,  called her and picked her back up.  We went to Toys'R'Us.  I took her back home.  Those are all the highlights of our date...I had a blast somehow.  I knew I'd have to ask her out now.

I guess it's really hard to have a great date.  Everyone wants a date that they plan to be worthy of a RomCom script but I don't think I'll ever have a date that perfect.  But it doesn't really matter as long as the both people are crushing on each other; they're just happy to get the face time.  I think the best planned, romantic date in the world will still fail if the girl isn't into you though.

God, save us from women


  1. We have diarrhea more than anyone else in the world...even those living in third world countries who consume contaminated water and suffer from chronic dysentery. Oh..the Cassidy curses.

    Anyways, you are right when you say the perfectly planned date will still fall apart if the girl isn't that into you. But, conversely, that means the poorest planned, cheesy date will be fantastic if a girl is into you.

    Besides, you are one of my favorite people to be around; especially when we are doing nothing.

  2. I love reliving your dating past! I forgot about the beanies:) That's how Adam tried to reel me in too. It worked.

    P.S. I have the Cassidy curse too.
